I know I mentioned that my lack of Spanish, I understand more than I speak, though both not very well. So every morning I would take out my Spanish lesson book and try to add a few more phrases and words to my vocabulary. Each morning Dad and I would have breakfast at the B&B. My Dad knew the son of the woman who owned the place we stayed at. It's actually a huge house in the Vedado neighborhood of Habana where there are these beautiful old homes. This area is on the boarder of the Miramar section of Habana, with gorgeous mansions everywhere, many today have been turned into Consulates. The mansion we stayed in is half lived in and the other half rented to visitors.
Nobody speaks English here, so breakfast talk was a challenge for me. But thankfully it's basic Spanish. About the food, since I am obsessed with it now…well breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, sliced ham, swiss cheese slices and Cuban coffee. Cuban coffee is really strong and sweet at the same time. The best part of breakfast was the cornucopia of delicious tropical fruits, banana's, mango, papaya and guava. My dad was so excited, as New Mexico is hardly a place for tropical fruits.
As we would leave our room we would lock this big black door with a huge skeleton key. One morning we shut the door to our room and there were 3 other black doors that all were shut too and some of the british colonial type, "very old", doorknobs did not work. Being that these doors were black it was completely dark now, I started to panic for a moment and then so did Dad. We grabbed at every door and jiggled locks and keys and we finally figured out in the dark how to open the door to let us into the hot brilliant sunlight. Then once we took in a big gulp or air and sunlight we bent over and laughed out loud, how silly or panic was but hilarious at the same time.
Usually after breakfast, Abuelo's neighbor, Luis, would pick us up and we'd spend the day with Abuelo and Berty. Dad would assess the house repairs and go through photographs and papers. As early pictures show the bathroom was in need of some serious attention. We found a plumber and hired him to come and repair the pipes. Let me tell you plumbers in Cuba are no different from the ones we have in the U.S., yes we got a view that no woman should ever see…sorry D.

Dad would reminisce about boyhood stories, one of him throwing his ball against the patio wall and driving his dad crazy. He would go through old photos and old receipts from the 60's. Many a tear was shed during these memory sifting moments. It was nice and sad at the same time to see that my mom had sent letters and photos, chronicling every bad phase of my teenage life, to my grandparents. She sent postcards of the city we lived in so they could see where I was growing up. It really touched me that she was so diligent about it as I hardly wrote any letters. The language barrier always frustrated me. I regretted not trying harder…I had to tell myself “no regrets, look to the future” otherwise the water faucet would unleash. The columns outside my grandfather's house were so beautiful and intricate despite the chipping paint.
One day after visiting with Abuelo Dad and I took the afternoon to visit an old friend of his in the city center of Habana. She took us to what was at one time Baptiste palace, but now ironically is a museum about the Revolution.
Ceiling in a mirrored ballroom.

I love hearing your story; I have always wanted to visit Cuba
beautiful! i'm glad you've continued to tell this story
hurry up and finish already!! i don't know how much longer i can keep this from dad. its so effing good!! he's gonna flip... no pressure.
An amazing and heart touching story.
Hello, Tanya.
My name, as your mother, is Sandy (derived from Santiago). I was with Tony both in Matecumbe and in Albuquerque (for 16 months). I recently got in touch with Tony and Sandy. Your Mom asked me not to disclose this site to your Dad and I will not. This is indeed a touching and moving story. Your mother opened her heart and home to a few of us including Tony, of course, while we were in the camp in ABQ. Your maternal grandfather and grandmother were loving and giving people. I had the opprotunity to thank her and your mother for their compassion and love they showed us. I can affirm without hesitation Tony's SOS about the Matecumbe camp in Miami. It was not the place to be. If you would like to ask me other questions, your mother has my email address and phone.
Hello Sandy,
I so would love to talk to you. I have told Dad about my blog, he's read it and loved it and told me to finish the story. I know I must and I will.
I'll get your info from Mom. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, it means a lot.
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