Of course you can't take photo's of the photographs but I did take a few of the outside entrance. The Vanity Fair photographs are amazing, every well-known photographer, actor, musician, writer, director, politician has a photograph for this magazine. Here is a list of a few favorites: Did you know that Fred Astaire had a sister named Adele that he would dance with before Ginger? She married a Lord and became a Lady, but the photograph that captured these siblings was fantastic she had the best outfit on with wide sleeves and amazing details on the edges. C found a picture of an author, none of us could remember, but she loved the hair cut and is vowing to mimic that look.

New sculpture at the entrance of LACMA was pretty amazing and made for some cool photos.
We went on to see the William Randolph Hearst art collection which was a hodgepodge of stuff that a very rich man purchases just because he has the means. Interesting but not that exciting. There was another exhibit of photographs from all the best, William Fox Talbot, Julia Margeret Cameron (Mrs. Subs that made me think of you), Alfred Stieglizt, Weston and Imogen Cunningham to name a few of my favorites. One thing that is amazing is that these people took pictures of their friends and then they or there friends or both became famous.
As you may have seen in an earlier post I love the Chris Burton public installation. Tonight it lit up just as we were leaving the museum.
After this we took off to Sweet Lady Jane to enjoy dessert and hopefully the black ham and jarlsberg cheese sandwich. This place is a little bakery that absolutely has the best cakes, everyone who has ever lived in L.A. has to have this cake at least once. They are both tasty and beautiful. My favorite is the Triple Berry Shortcake as we have ordered that for a few parties before.
Of course everywhere in the world has to have their version of the red velvet cupcake, this was a good one to try. Love the cream cheese frosting.
There was a slight chill in the air when we left, finally. The fog had set in as we traveled back to the Westside. Since I missed out on my ham and jarlsberg cheese sandwich (I am such a Cuban) I ran to the local store and stocked up on the necessities and made my own version with a nice glass of Voigner and a comfortable evening at home with SB.
just browsing through and i kind of stumble upon your blog, its very nice and well... delicious! LOL! anyhoo, i got hungry just looking at those pics, thanks for posting them :) oh and you take beautiful photographs...
have a great week!
Starfish thanks for the compliment that means a lot. I get hungry all over again when I work on posting the pictures myself.
This just made me all the more homesick!
I miss making lists of places to go/see/do when living in LA.
I miss my girlfriends even more!!!
1) Note to self: corduroys (sp?)... not flattering
2) Awwwwww, that was so much fun. Thanks for posting the pics!
The light installation looks fantastic - thanks for posting the pics. And I'm very jealous that you were able to see the VF exhibition ;-)
G - we miss you too. When you coming to visit? I wish we could get out there to see you as well.
Zeff - you look cute in the corduroys. And LOVE the headband.
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