So after ALTSummit in Salt Lake City I confirmed my desire to move my blog to Squarespace. I have a new link: I've been working on the design but like the simplicity of the space.
Please join me over there and I'd love to hear from you all on the changes, with more to come.
See you there.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Trader Joe's
I have so much to share about AltSummit in Salt Lake City. This conference was beyond my expectations. I'm in the process of writing down the high points and action items for this space. I'll share more of that later.
Pre-Alt, well actually Wednesday morning, before our sponsored dinner that night I started planning my snacks. Everyone said you must have snacks during the day. I didn't want to pack snacks in my luggage and to take away valuable room for my wardrobe that I MUST have. So I did my research.
As many of you know who following me on Instagram (@itsweetsavory) I love Trader Joe's. The first thing I do when I get to a new city is look to see if they have a Trader Joe's. Low and behold Salt Lake City opened it's first TJ's in November. My plan was to go on Wednesday when I had all that time before the evening dinners. However, I got caught up in my explorations. Plan B was to get up early Thursday, 7:30AM walk to TJ's, it's only 7 blocks away, get my snacks, water, etc., and walk back to the hotel. Great plan right? Hmmm.
As soon as I embarked on my walk it started ice raining. I say that because as soon as the rain hit the sidewalks it was immediately turned into ice. So instead of walking to Trader Joe's, I skated to Trader Joe's. Oh and the 7 blocks, yeah not so much, those were LONGEST blocks I have ever skated. Seriously, this was another one of my idea's that seem great and immediately went bad. By the time I made it to Trader Joe's it was 8:10, I shopped in 5 minutes and then asked if they could call for a taxi. I was not going to walk back, it was a blizzard out there. After waiting 15 minutes for the taxi, he called back and said he couldn't make it, traffic was bad because of an accident. I started to freak now, I was going to miss the opening of the conference and have to walk back in a blizzard.
What was I wearing you ask? Well I got dressed for the conference, while my sweater, jacket, hat gloves, and shoes were warm, my pants were paper thin Banana Republic. That equals frozen legs beyond anything you can imagine.
Here's where I praise the frozen city of Salt Lake. Despite the cold and gloominess, everyone in this city is extremely nice and helpful. The Trader Joe's staff were amazing. One of the employees, Irmin (I know I'm spelling his name wrong), offered to take me back to the hotel. At this point I was desperate and willing to go with any stranger, I actually pondered asking a few of the soccer mom's in the store for a ride. But this employee offered me a ride and insisted I wait in the store till he brought the car up to me so I wouldn't get wet. Seriously, who does this, nobody in L.A. would do this (yeah I know it never rains in L.A). He drove me right up to my hotel and I insisted on giving him money. I told he now you've put Trader Joe's customer service to a whole other level.
Did I make it back for the conference? Absolutely! Ran to my room repacked my bags and ran down to meet these ladies @mylifeatplaytime, @asimplyrawlife and @btanjerine. So thank you Trader Joe's. And give this guy a raise, he works as the manager at your Salt Lake City store.
Monday, January 21, 2013
The Farm Shop and Kei and Molly
For the past several years when I go to Albuquerque I like to take a
slow drive down Rio Grande Blvd (25 miles is the max speed limit). When
I was a kid we drove down this street all the time where you can get views of the old ranch houses and horses, there use to be buffalo. I remember going to the buffalo house when I was in pre-school. During the Fall the
trees down this boulevard are the golden color cottonwoods I love so much. My favorite farm is the old Simms Farm which is where the The Farm Shop is. It's in the original Creamland Dairies building and is part of the property connected to the Los Poblanos
Inn, which has a rich history found here.
My mom visits here yearly for the Lavender festival, they have rows and rows of lovely lavender. It's an organic run farm and supplies the ingredients for the amazing dishes that are served up at the Los Poblanos Inn. The Farm Shop sells lavender spa products, artisan foods, gourmet kitchen and gardening tools and locally made gifts from all over New Mexico.
Every corner is artfully directed and begging to be bought.
Lately I'm obsessed with the tea towels from Kei and Molly, here's their story. Next time I visit I want to look them up and see if I can meet these amazing women in person, I love everything they make. Their towels are beautiful and hang in the light filled windows of the Farm Shop. Check out their Etsy store
Mom has bought me two so far, and our last purchase was a typical mom daughter conversation.
Me: I like the turquoise one, but it has a cross in it, so maybe not
Mom: It's pretty, but how about the ones with the coyote
Me: Nah, I like the satelite dishes
Mom: Why?
Me: It's kinda cool, and sci-fi, and New Mexico
Mom: I don't get it
Me: It's ok, I like it
Mom: But why would you want that in your kitchen?
Me: Why wouldn't I, look at the conversation we're having about it
Mom: Your funny, you like weird things
Me: Mom don't you remember when I was a kid, if you don't like it, buy it, I'll LOVE it, that hasn't changed.
Mom: I guess, ok I'll get you that one.
Me: Thanks Mom.
So now I have two the orange citrus slices next to the indigo blue satellite dishes.
Lovely right.
Driveway up to the Inn and Farm. It's breathtaking in the winter and fall its AMAZING with the golden leaves on the trees.
White peacock.
Driveway out...just as lovely.
The Farm Shop
OPEN DAILY 9:00A – 5:00
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Alt Summit Salt Lake City
This time next week I'll be attending the AltSummit in Salt Lake City. I am beyond excited to be attending it's really about getting back to basics (just needs salt) and building from there. First off, I missed the initial registration day and it sold out, second I won a ticket to attend, and third I REALLY WANTED TO GO!! Oh and the bonus is I won a free counter top makeover and sink for my kitchen from Wilson Art, more about that later.
I am attending with 3 lovely ladies (Deborah, Felicia and Britney) my fellow bloggers and moms.
The classes range from earning revenue on your blog, personal branding, being a contributor to other blogs, to finding your voice. Yes please, to all of them. Some amazing bloggers will be attending from all over the country in addition to the sponsors and special guest, Jessica Alba. Can you tell I'm excited. Hopefully I'll have much to share from all my learning's and who knows this site might be due for another amazing makeover.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Random Monday Thoughts
Watch Downton Abbey: All About Edith on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.
Random Monday thoughts: Weren't Tina and Amy perfect on the Globes? Can't decide what I thought of Jodies speech. Why wasn't Ben nominated for an Best Director Oscar? How cute were Ben and Jen (not Lopez)? Loved Kate Hudson and Lea Michelle's dress, but she was too tan. And for after the Globes for all you Downton Abbey Fans this is a spoiler alert...but I had to share a video clip about Edith and then you too can laugh at the music choice. Only Morrisey would do for this tale. Enjoy.Friday, January 4, 2013
Route 66 Signs
Mid October we had to take an unexpected trip home to New Mexico for a family funeral. While I was devastated by the loss I appreciated the time to be on the road for 12 hours and unwind from the crazy L.A. lifestyle. SB and I pass these signs all the time and have taken some analog film shots, but this time we just jumped out and took a few iPhone and Android shots. It's such a competition between us to get the best shot, but it pushes us to try all kinds of filters, angles and apps.
In December we took another trip home to see family. Unfortunately we got stuck in Gallup (worst town in NM) for 2 days while everything was closed to fix the car during Christmas Eve and Christmas day. So we took advantage of the great signs in the town and took a few digital and iPhone shots.
On the way home I talked SB into taking a historical detour down route 66.
Enjoy all the cool signs and a trip down the past.
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